Shade Tree Division

The Shade Tree Division is responsible for the care, maintenance and removal of Borough trees.

New Tree Request:

Residents interested in having a tree planted in front of their house in the public right of way should call the Department of Public Works at (201) 794-5305 to be placed on the consideration list. You can also submit a service request by clicking on this link

For more information on the Tree Planting Initiative in Fair Lawn, click on this link

New Tree Care:

Residents who receive new trees should follow these guidelines for a healthy tree:

  • Keep all landscape equipment away from the tree (i.e. lawnmowers, line trimmers, etc.) Hitting the bark of the tree with a lawnmower or line trimmer will damage the bark of the tree and may cause it to die.
  • Do not pile mulch around the trunk of the tree. This will cause the tree to suffocate and cause it to die.
  • Water, water, water! For the first couple of years it will be necessary to keep the soil around the trunk of the tree moist. Try and water the tree at least twice per day: early in the morning and after the sun goes down.

Tree Removal:

Please contact (201) 794-5304 or (201) 794-5326 for information about tree removal. 

Tree removal permit applications can be found on this link.

Spotted Lanternfly: 

Join the Battle, Beat the Bug!   Stomp It Out!

The Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive plant hopper and was first discovered in the U.S. in Pennsylvania in Berks County in 2014 and has spread to other counties in PA, and in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, New York, Connecticut and Ohio.

This insect has the potential to greatly impact agricultural crops and hardwood trees. The Spotted Lanternfly feeds on the plant sap of many different plants including grapevines, maples, black walnut, and other important plants in NJ. While it does not harm humans or animals, it can reduce the quality of life for people living in heavily infested areas.

For more information, please click on the below links:

Spotted Lanterfly ( wttps://

Spotted Lanternfly: What to Look For:

How to Build a Spotted Lanternfly Circle Trap: